Monday, July 11, 2011

The Walking Wounded

  Many women today are walking carrying excess baggage from one failed relationship to another. They are often filled with bitterness, anger and frustration because they have sought men to complete them and make them happy. And when that doesn't happen, they become the walking wounded. Some are so focused on getting a man that they fail to consider what type of man he is. They fail to spend time getting to know the person behind the facade and jump into a sexual relationship only to discover that he is either emotionally unavailable or is involved with someone else.
  My sister's, I encourage you to allow the Lord to heal all the broken places in your heart. Allow his love to release the past and restore you to the woman of excellece he has created you to be. Allow the true lover of your soul to show you how beautiful real love can be. Stop searching for a man to complete you or define you. Don't be the woman that needs a man; be the woman that a man needs. Once you realize that you are the daughers of our Lord most high, and realize how much he loves you, no longer will you be willing to settle for a few crumbs of affection or disrespect. You will begin to walk boldly forward and demand complete respect because you know who you are and whose you are.
  Take the time to discover you and meditate on God's word until you understand how truly valuable you are. We don't have to settle for anything but the best and if a man doesn't recongnize your worth, then it's his loss. Keep moving. Love yourself more than you  love anyone else. And when the time is right, true love will find you.


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