Friday, November 18, 2011

Choose To Love

Love is one of life's most powerful motivators. And if love is to be successful, it must be built on patience and kindness. Patience helps us to avoid problems and kindness enables us to be a blessing to our partner. We must  understand that our mate isn't perfect and neither are we. We are prone to make mistakes as humans. But I Corinthians 13 tells us the basis for successful relationships if they are built on these principles. Love is patient and kind. It does not seek its own. It is not boastful. Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive. It is not jealous. Love bears all things.

But love is also a choice. Love is not determined by the recipient but by the one choosing to love. And the only way love can last a lifetime is if it's unconditional. There should be no conditions on loving someone. So choose today to love your partner despite their flaws just as our Heavenly Father loves us. And understand that you are two imperfect people, but choose to love your partner unconditionally. Your lives will be blessed all the more for it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Live on Purpose

This popular Phrase comes from the Yolanda Adams morning show. But what does it mean? We should realize that life runs in cycles or seasons. Meaning we will have seasons of abundance as well as seasons of struggles. We must also understand that each season has its own purpose. No one likes to go through struggles, but it is during these times that our faith is tested. This season is not meant to destroy you, but rather to stretch you, jolt you out of your complancency or even to teach you and prepare you for the next sesason of your life. During this time we must plant wisely that which we would reap later. Our attitude should be one of confidence and expectancy.

Seasons of abundance are always welcome. But if we only experienced prospertity, we would become complacent and that would stifle our faith and our growth. If we only experienced sunshine and no rain, how would we know to call on the Lord's holy name? If we only experience happiness and no sadness, how could we attest to God's goodness?

So don't resent your seasons of struggle. Instead, you should rejoice because we know that all things work together for the good to those who love the Lord and who are called to his purpose. Rejoice, because you know that you are being prepared to walk into your God given destiny and we serve a God that is Able! And to end with another quote from the Yolanda Adams morning show, "Pray about Everything and Worry about Nothing!" Be Blessed.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

12 Principles of living for victorious women
1.    I will pray often. The lord hears me when I communicate with him
2.    I will honor god and put him in front of every decision or action That I take
3.    I will love and accept myself unconditionally
4.    I will respect myself and demand that others do the same
5.    I will make it a habit every day to speak a kind word to someone
6.    I will use the blessings I’ve received to be a blessing to someone else
7.    I will not give in to toxic emotions like jealousy, envy or hate; instead I will cloak myself with love, joy and contentment
8.    When troubles arise I will not focus on the problem but instead I will focus on the problem solver. God is able!
9.    I will speak life to those I love because I understand that life and death is in the power of the tongue
10.           I will take some time to celebrate me and recharge and renew my spirit
11.           I will take time to appreciate the gift of a new day even if it’s only rising early to watch the dawn of a new day or marvel at the beauty of a setting sun
12.           I will pray about everything and worry about nothing

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Walking Wounded

  Many women today are walking carrying excess baggage from one failed relationship to another. They are often filled with bitterness, anger and frustration because they have sought men to complete them and make them happy. And when that doesn't happen, they become the walking wounded. Some are so focused on getting a man that they fail to consider what type of man he is. They fail to spend time getting to know the person behind the facade and jump into a sexual relationship only to discover that he is either emotionally unavailable or is involved with someone else.
  My sister's, I encourage you to allow the Lord to heal all the broken places in your heart. Allow his love to release the past and restore you to the woman of excellece he has created you to be. Allow the true lover of your soul to show you how beautiful real love can be. Stop searching for a man to complete you or define you. Don't be the woman that needs a man; be the woman that a man needs. Once you realize that you are the daughers of our Lord most high, and realize how much he loves you, no longer will you be willing to settle for a few crumbs of affection or disrespect. You will begin to walk boldly forward and demand complete respect because you know who you are and whose you are.
  Take the time to discover you and meditate on God's word until you understand how truly valuable you are. We don't have to settle for anything but the best and if a man doesn't recongnize your worth, then it's his loss. Keep moving. Love yourself more than you  love anyone else. And when the time is right, true love will find you.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

This Woman's Worth

  Proverbs 31 describes to us the characteristics of a virtuous woman. It tells us her worth is far above rubies; the heart of her husband safely trusts her; she does him good and not evil all the days of her life; she knows that her merchandise is good; and she girds herself with strenth, honor and wisdom.
  So the question becomes, do you think you are a virtuous woman? Do you have a healthy self-esteem that comes from knowing your value is priceless? Do you demand complete respect because you are the daughters of our Lord most high? Or do you allow demeaning or derrogatory behavior? The truth is that we teach others how to treat us. They will only treat you as well as you treat yourself. If you love and respect yourself, others will do the same. We must practice self-love. Hold your head up high and cloak yourself with strength of character, wisdom and honor; understanding that whoever finds you (a virtuous woman) has found God's greatest gift to man.



 Psalm 34:1
 I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth

 LORD, I thank you that through all of my tests and trials; when I wanted to cry I'd think about your goodness and I had to smile. That no matter how many times I may stumble and fall; you were always there for me whenever I would call. Thank you for never turning your back on me; And for loving me even when I was blind and could not see. Thank you for loving me despite what I've done wrong; Thank you for your strength that helps me to go on. Thank you for waking me each and every day; Thank you for your blessings I've received along the way. Thank you for your son Jesus who paid the ultimate price; Even knowing what he had to face he didn't even think twice. Thank you Lord for being the true lover of my soul; Thank you for your healing, that what was once broken is now made whole.

                                                                                                         Janie Catron

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Conscious Living

Phillipians 4:8
Finally Brethren, whatever things are true,whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,whatever things are lovely and of good report. If there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.

Phillipians 4:8 exhorts us to meditate on positive and praiseworthy things. Oftentimes we go through life unconsciously; captive to whatever random thoughts that come our way as if we don't have any control. That is a lie that keeps us stagnate, powerless and missing out on our destiny that God has for each of us. Instead, we need to live a more conscious life of awareness at all times. Meaning we need to actively capture our thoughts and attitudes and examine them through the word of God. Satan doensn't want us to fulfill our destiny so he will submit seemingly negative, random thoughts into our minds and we must immediately rebuke these attacks. Likewise, we must stay on guard to the things we listen to, people we interact with and what we watch. And we must ask ourselves, Does this glorify God? Does being around this person give me a sense of peace and happiness? If the answer is no, we must immediately seperate ourselves and let go of anything that steals our joy.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Stormy With A Chance of Praise

 Recently I experienced a very hurtful, trying time in which someone cost me my job. I was utterly devastated to say the least. I had prayed so long for a job to provide for my family and to lose it due to someone's petty jealousy was more than I could comprehend. I cried for two days every time I thought about what had happened. I could feel myself sinking into self pity and depression.

 Finally I had to remind myself that things often happen to us and we may never know why. But one thing I know is that God already knows our situations as well as the outcome. Instead of continuing to wallow in self pity, I chose to develop an attitude of expectancy. I started to praise God and thank him because I could look back over my life and see all the times that I didn't know how I would make it through a situation but the Lord was ever faithful and always brought me through.

 When we are in the midst of our storms, we often focus on the problem instead of the problem solver. We need to develop tunnel vision and focus on nothing except God's word. If we are continually praising God there can be no room for anything except joy and peace.

 So the next time you are going through a trial, practice defensive praise knowing that God loves you and he will never put more on you than he has equipped you to handle. The battle is not ours, its the Lord's and he's already on the job working it out.
